Science Communication
“Was ist Geist? – 4. Colloquium” with Dr. PD Olga Climecki, Prof. Thomas Metzinger, Dr. Dagmar Schwerk. Moderator: Prof. Gert Scobel. Online, August 2024. Webseite „Was ist Geist? Colloquium“
“Exploring Bhutan’s Transformation: A Conversation with Dagmar Schwerk on Decolonizing Crisis Discourse And Alternative Modernities.” Interview. Leipzig University, Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe), July 2023. See more: Interview Leipzig University
“Metaphors of Authority and Differentiation”: Dagmar Schwerk on the Use of Metaphors in Bhutanese Legal Codes. Interview. Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum. February 2023. See more: Interview Ruhr-Universität Bochum
“Religion and Politics in Bhutan: An interview with Dagmar Schwerk“, UBC. Ngoc B. Lee, Simon Frazer University. Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies 15, 2020: 220-31.